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3 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp salt
2 packages of active dry yeast
4¼ – 4½ cups flour; sifted
1½ cups lukewarm water

In a large mixing bowl, combine yeast and 1¾ cup flour. Combine water, sugar, and salt; add to yeast mixture. Beat at low speed for ½ minute, scraping bowl frequently. Beat 3 minutes at high speed. By hand, stir in enough remaining flour to make a moderately stiff dough. Turn out on a lightly floured surface and knead smooth (5-8 minutes). Cover and let rest 15 minutes. Cut into 12 portions, shape into smooth balls. Punch hole in the center with a floured finger. Let rise 20 minutes. In a large kettle combine one-gallon water and 1 tbsp sugar. Bring to boil. Reduce temperature to simmering. Boil bagel seven minutes each, turning once. If you do not turn, the texture will not be right. Place on greased baking sheet and bake at 375° for 30-35 minutes.